Attitude – Training – Performance – Success:
A top coach doesn’t just train one group of muscles.
It’s sad but true: in everyday practice sales is often nothing more than a sales person’s gut feeling or intuition. Nowhere in the world are there standardised sales training programs. Or at least national standards for one of the world’s oldest professions. Nearly all sales people are initially lateral entrants with professional qualifications in some other discipline, e.g. engineers, economists, technicians or IT specialists. After switching to sales, they simply had to jump in at the deep end. Internal sales training programs are the exception, not the rule – even among global players. Instead, you find technical training courses and fragmented individual measures.
We offer you the professional all-in package to fully equip your sales people:
Sales scan
– the professional speed check to determine the current performance capability of your sales organisation
Tailored design and execution of custom-fit and effective sales programs
of your main high performers, rookies and managers – in house and accompanying them in the field
Ongoing development
of your organisation to make it a Sales Driven Enterprise
of talented, committed and fitting sales people
and update of your sales interfaces – turning technical, administrative or HR staff into sales assistants
Too much at once? The main thing is that you start somewhere and make some concrete changes. Otherwise, everything will stay as it is … and ultimately get worse!
It’s not about what we can do, but what you can do through us!
Why are there so few top coaches in professional sport or sales? After all, there are plenty of good sportsmen and -women … and sales people. The answer is simple: Being an outstanding sales specialist is no longer enough. The key quality is the ability to pass this know-how on to others in simple and convincing terms with no loss of quality. To do that, you need substantial methodology, enough empathy to feel your way into a specific customer situation, and a vast amount of experience in order to choose the right approach.
All athletes, and indeed all companies, have different assets, levels of fitness, fundamental concepts and processing mechanisms. That’s why the “one size fits all” approach popular with some is most certainly not the right way to successfully compete in the ‘champions league’ of training.